Our Cheese


Pure Artisan Camembert is a soft, white, bloomy rind cheese that has a luxurious, delicate flavor with a slight mushroomy aroma.

The inside has a straw-like colour and a soft, bulgy texture which has a taste reminiscent of hazelnuts.

It is best enjoyed with a crusty baguette and some country bread.

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Triple Cream Brie

This is our signature cheese that has our cheese lovers coming back for more.

It has a very rich, robust, full flavor. It is a cheese that has a flowing texture and a full-on creamy flavor.

As it matures it will develop a slight mottling on its snowy rind.

This fairly rich cheese should be served at the end of a meal and goes very well with country bread and a pot of quince paste.

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Black Ash Triple Cream Brie

We take our Triple Cream Brie and add black ash. This stabilises the brie and gives it a very consistent texture throughout the cheese.

Pure-Artisan-Cheese-Black-Ash-Triple-Cream-Brie Black Ash Cut

Truffle Triple Cream Brie

Add to the wonderful texture and flavor of our Triple Cream Brie, the unmistakable exotic taste of Truffle.

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Washed Rind

During its ripening period, this cheese is turned, brushed and washed on a regular basis to give its unique, gamey flavouring.

The rind develops an orange hue and the interior develops a bouquet of flavours with a tangy finish.

It should be eaten plain or on a crusty baguette, accompanied by a slightly bitter beer. Yum!

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Millie’s Blue

Millie’s Blue is a Shropshire/Stilton type cheese.

It has a beautiful orange colouring with blue vein.

This is a recipe designed and perfected in 2015.

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Pure Blue

Our Pure Blue Cheese is made from pure cows milk.

Penicillium roqueforti is added to the milk to give its unique blue/green marbling.

A natural grey rind forms around the slightly sweet, tangy cheese that is creamy with a salty finish.

This is a medium aroma cheese and is best served with pear or apple slices, or roasted walnuts.

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